Open centers are energy vampires

And defined centers give best from a full cup.

What if….

What if this is another way of seeing centers in Human Design?

What if my open solar plexus is not only there as a portal, sponge or mirror but also as a place to take from others?

Expertise, Experience, Awareness, borrowing everything that isn't mine and gaining from it

Gaining knowledge, diseases, stress, competence, quantum leaps, sorrows, memories, deja vus, etc, etc...

What if this is not only coming from my open head because its taking from others, but also because is gaining from others?

What if my ideas are not only from that person at the cafe next to me, but that I am here to decide if I want to borrow it or not?

What if my open head is not only showing me I'm not original but that I talk and work on ideas other people thought of doing but then dropped?

What if stealing was a good idea because I do have the capacity to make it happen? What if they wanted to go to the beach but couldn't, but then I did decide to go after our oblivious encounter and entered an experience that shifted my awareness at least 50%?

What if the energy I'm vampiring is meant to be vampired?

What if my defined sacral spends too much time around my non-sacral friends, and they were able to do a full workout around me despite them being projectors, and then I needed some time alone enjoying myself so that I could go get groceries in the afternoon?

Just a thought from my open head, probably feeding itself from a definition nearby...

xoxo, denisse


The cosmic relationship between Tropical and True Sidereal